Cora hit yet another milestone two Fridays ago: flipping from her back to her belly! I cried about it, of course. We were on her play blanket and she kept turning on her side to reach at her soft blocks and other toys. I turned her over on to her belly to try and show her how to do it and then put her back on her back. It registered with her pretty quickly because as soon as I put her on her back she flipped right back over to her stomach! Now that she puts herself on her tummy she's a lot happier doing tummy time than she was before. She still gets frustrated and fusses though because she really wants to crawl already. She is definitely enjoying her newfound movement though because she is doing it a lot! Almost as soon as I put her down on her play blanket or on our bed she will flip right over. Also, when she wakes up from her naps, she will immediately flip on to her stomach unless we are there. If we're there she just looks at us, but if we're in the other room she flips on over! I keep the camera monitor on the whole time I am away from her, but I will definitely have to put her down for naps in her crib once she is actually mobile. It is crazy seeing her move around so much now. She really will be crawling in no time at all, then walking, then talking, and then before I know it she's going to be a high school graduate! It seriously feels like time is speeding on by! Her next milestone should be sitting up on her own. Hopefully it will happen soon!
Cora happy on her tummy getting ready for a lesson in high self esteem.
On Sunday the 19th we finally had our first family photo session. I had plans of doing a newborn shoot with her, but then that didn't happen. So then I wanted to take nice pictures of her on each of her monthly birthdays, and that didn't happen either. So finally once my face started returning back to normal (it's not quite where I think it should be yet haha), I decided it was well past time to get a family picture! Adam and I haven't done any couple photos or anything professional since our wedding. The photographers we did use for our wedding are no longer in business so we had to start from scratch. I was surprised doing my research on how expensive it is! Many photographers require a $250 fee just for the session, which is fine, but for a lot of them that's all you get. If you want your images some of them ask for $100+ for each image, and that's just digital. Unfortunately Adam and I can't afford that right now since we're a single income household. Luckily I was able to find Melissa Flanagan Photography. She's a great photographer, and for $250 we got the session, all our images, and an 8x10. As an added bonus, she's only about 2 miles away from our house! You can check out her facebook page here. One of our images is actually her cover photo right now! She really is a great photographer at such a great price. We will definitely be using her again for our Christmas pictures! Anyway, it was great to finally get it done, but Cora wasn't being very smiley. She is a pretty smiley baby normally, but she was just so confused about what was going on that she was concerned basically the whole time. Luckily Melissa was able to get a few smiles out of Cora. Even the images where Cora isn't smiling are still great though! Here are some of my favorites.
We took Cora on her first road trip last week, which is why I did not get a chance to post anything. Most of my parents' friends hadn't met Cora yet so we drove back to my hometown in southern Illinois. The drive is about 11 hours and in the past we could make the whole drive in one night, but since we have Cora we decided it would be easier to stop halfway. We left on Tuesday after Adam got out of work. Cora actually did not make us stop much more than we normally would anyhow for gas or food. She didn't fuss too much either, which was great! She really only get upset if she wanted to eat or be changed, just like normal. Adam downloaded several Sesame Street episodes on to our iPad so she just watched that while she was awake. I surprisingly did not sleep much on our way up there. Usually I sleep almost the whole way, but with Cora there I didn't want to sleep. I feel like I have to be awake if she's awake, and I guess when she was asleep I wanted to be awake in case she woke up. So even though I didn't do any of the driving, travelling really tired me and I feel like I slept a lot on our vacation!
We got to Illinois on Wednesday afternoon. My mom and dad were so excited to finally have Cora in their town! Cora and I FaceTime with my parents every morning, but we weren't sure she would still recognize them from that. When Cora saw my mom she stared at her for a few moments, seemingly trying to register who this person was. Eventually she started smiling and was very happy to be with her Lola Emma! My dad came home from work and she greeted him with a big smile when he walked in. If you don't know my dad, he is VERY animated and loves bold, bright, neon colors. He was bright blue that day, so that combined with his excitement made it easy for Cora to be happy to see him. It was the middle of the day though so my dad had to go back to work. He reluctantly did so since Cora was all smiles.
On Thursday my parents threw a party so their friends could all come and meet Cora. Everyone was so excited and happy to meet her, and luckily so was she! I think she got overwhelmed and cried once, but Adam was quick to rescue her. Unfortunately, for some reason I am terrible at taking pictures when I'm with my family so I don't have many pictures from the party to share! It was such a fun night though. One of my friends from high school, Gina, was even able to come! I hadn't seen her since the day we graduated high school, so it was a long awaited reunion.
That weekend we traveled to O'Fallon, IL for a gala event for an association my parents are a part of. My parents got to show off Cora to even more of their friends. They are so proud! Since we were in a hotel, we decided to go ahead and take Cora swimming! Adam and I figured that the hotel pool would be marginally cleaner than the public pool here in Lewisville, and we knew it wouldn't be over crowded. When we got down there we were actually the only people there! Sadly Cora did not love the pool as much as I hoped she would based off her love of bathtime. She didn't hate it though. It just seemed like she was very concerned the whole time, thinking what a HUGE bathtub it was! Towards the end of our time in the pool she started kicking a little bit, so that was exciting. I think we were only in the pool maybe 20 minutes max. I am excited to keep taking her swimming though. I know she will love it eventually!
Cora being OK with it.
Cora has started to develop a little sense of humor and fun! On Saturday, my sister, Khristina, had a little bit of a cough. We were on our way down to the gala when Khristina was coughing. Then Cora started fake coughing too while looking at Khristina and laughed afterwards! She did this a few times with a big smile on her face, looking at Khristina the whole time. It really seemed like she was making fun of her! Then, on Sunday, it was bedtime but Cora wasn't sleepy at all. She flipped over to her stomach and was all smiles. She was very hyper and started screaming into the bed. Adam started doing it with her. She quickly caught on that he was playing with her. They would both scream into the bed at the same time, then lift their heads up to look at each other and smile, and then go back to screaming into the bed. It was so adorable! They have played their little "game" a couple times since then. It's so cute since you can tell she's having so much fun. It is very exciting to watch her develop her little personality!
Cora and Adam having a good time playing their game!
We got to see my friend, GJ, and his son, Henry, for lunch on Sunday. GJ and I have known each other since we were kids since our parents are good friends. We actually really did not like each other when we were younger! I don't remember our fights now, I just remember that I hated him, haha. Luckily once we matured we became pretty good buddies! Now he comes to visit us whenever he's in town for work. Cora and Henry first met in March, right before Henry turned 1. She didn't really pay attention to him last time, and this time she was asleep almost the whole time so she didn't pay much attention this time either! They will be reunited again in July for a whole week so I'm hoping they will interact a little more! I'm also hoping she and Henry can become good little buddies as they grow together, and that they won't have a phase of hating each other like GJ and I did!
This is the only picture of all 4 of us together! Looks like Cora's giving Henry the stink eye! At least Henry and GJ look happy!
It was a tearful goodbye for my mom when we left on Sunday. My mom is always emotional when she says goodbye to us kids and definitely when she has to say goodbye to Cora. This time it was a little more emotional, maybe because she had so much quality time with Cora. I think my mom rocked Cora to sleep for a nap at least once every day we were there! On Saturday we left Cora with my mom and Khristina, while we went to Target so I could buy a bathing suit. Khristina told me later that my mom held Cora the whole time she napped and didn't take her eyes off her once. I teared up hearing that! She is definitely in love. I absolutely love seeing how excited and in love my parents are with Cora. It's so sweet! Now only if I can remember to take more pictures and video to capture all the moments!
I also remember when she saw me wearing my bright, hot pink PJs that her eyes got very wide and she stared at me. Either she was very intrigued by the color or she was very overwhelmed by the sight of me, haha.
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